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3 Ways to Maintain Effective Client Relationships

client relationship managementYou close the sale and celebrate.

The sales team introduces the client to the implementation team.

The product is successfully installed and the client is up and running.

You leave them alone for a number of days, weeks, or months. There is no follow-up to ask about their experience working with your team.

Eventually the client leaves and you wonder what went wrong.

That scenario might sound ridiculous but it happens more than anyone wants to mention.

Businesses can get focused on lead generation, marketing, and sales but will fail to maintain on-going client relationships. Maybe the business is growing rapidly and they’re only able to manage new clients and support the clients who come back with questions/ challenges.

This might work in the short-term but it’s not going to sustain itself; nor should you want this for your business.

In the long run a lack of pro-active client relationship management can harm a business because there’s little to no client retention. You will always be chasing the next deal.

Here are a few easy ways to have pro-active and effective client relationships:

Simple touches like client appreciation events, quarterly calls, email newsletters, and connecting with an account manager go a long way to maintaining efficient client relationships.

Assign an account manager.

The more you get to know your clients, the easier it is to gauge their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with your product and service. An account manager acts as a point of contact to not only check in with clients but handle customer service issues, and make sure clients are connecting with the right people on your team.

If your business isn’t ready to hire account managers, send email newsletters and assign team members to call clients to check in on how they like the product they purchased from you.  

Regular communication.

If you never call, email, or invite them to events, how do clients know what your business can do for them? They don’t. Connecting with clients on a regular basis is an opportunity to address their concerns, educate them on industry news or tell them about new products that can help their business.

When communication is direct and transparent, trust forms and helps to create a foundation for long-lasting relationships.

Host a client appreciation event.

Rent a movie theatre. Host a happy hour. Invite clients and colleagues to your office for a special event to see the inside of how your business works. These are simple ideas to maintain client relationships. Who knows, your event might facilitate additional business between you and your clients.

Hosting an event, calling clients, or writing an email newsletter might seem like non-income producing activities but they’re actually effective ways to build stronger business relationships.

At Trumpet we’re always looking for ways to make business' workflow more efficient so you have time to spend with your clients and prospects.

Contact us today to learn more!


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Emma Stobbs

Emma Stobbs