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Has that document been scanned yet?

How many times has someone gone to your administrative staff asking that question? How many times has that key person been away from your desk when you needed to know? Despite being buried amongst piles of paperwork, they did in fact scan your very important document and it’s already stored in Worldox but how are you to know?

Symphony Profiler now provides email notifications so you can be notified upon a document being scanned. Here’s how it works:

  • After completing the reservation’s profile card in Worldox and entering the Reservation ID, select the “Advanced” bar:
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  • Select the checkbox next to “Send email to
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  • Complete the email to field by entering the email address
  • Complete the Email Subject by entering the subject you’d like to appear
  • Select OK (or Another, or Another Similar)
  • Scan your documents per your normal process to fulfill your reservation

Your recipient will then receive email notification from donotreply@symphonysuite.com that provides them with a link to open the document.

Enjoy knowing that your documents have been scanned using the notification feature in Symphony Profiler!

Learn more about Symphony Profiler here.


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Andrea Krakower

Andrea Krakower

Andrea brings 10 years of advisor consulting and project management experience to Trumpet and serves as our lead trainer. She skillfully navigates clients through the process of adopting new technology, revolutionizes firms by listening to their pain points and steers them through workflow processes and procedures to find efficiencies and improvements. Andrea's cheerful, dynamic approach (fueled by gallons of Coca-Cola) injects a shot of adrenaline for technology junkies, and for those less tech savvy or reluctant adopters, transforms them into skillful users. She's an avid sports fan and University of Missouri alum (M-I-Z-Z-O-U!).