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Employee Spotlight: Carin Mehling

This month (in honor of her birthday), we're celebrating Carin Mehling, Trumpet's beloved bookkeeper. While Carin does a lot of very important things for internally and for our clients, she's also artistic. In fact, she recently turned a dress into a romper, which she had to turn into a crop top and high waisted shorts when her daughter wanted the perfect high school senior photos.

If you talk to Carin this month, don't forget to wish her a Happy Birthday and ask her what K-drama she's watching now! (see below)

Employee Spotlight - Carin.png


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Liz Levenson

Liz Levenson

Before joining Trumpet, Liz was a co-owner of a small inbound marketing agency in Phoenix, Arizona. She loves creating marketing processes that allow marketers to take out the guesswork and focus on creative campaigns and a great customer experience. Her 4 years as a marketer has taught her that marketing is no longer a sales tool for the company: it is an education tool for customers. In her free time, Liz is either travelling or dreaming about travelling. She also enjoys cooking, playing board games with friends, playing her ukulele, spending time with her nieces, and lovingly harassing her cat, Holly.